Wow, it is that time of year, and we are late getting our message out to you as there is only about 5 weeks before Xmas is upon us once again! To our Customers, we thank you for your supp...
Many thanks to the WHS Queensland for the invite to speak at the recent Transport Safety Forum, which attracted nearly 100 participants. LSM Technologies presented a few of the evolving ADAS and ...
Monash University's National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP) latest statistics reflect / reinforces some of the reasons why the Australian Federal Government Transport...
NTI (National Transport Insurance) / NTARC (NSRPP) National Transport Accident Research Centre released their latest NTI 2022 Report depicts that 34.6% of all fires are due to Wheel End...
Fuel Storage Tank Farms are a perfect application for LSM TankCare® "Rebuildable" Desiccant & Filtration Breathers to ensure contamination control and reduce post Fluid Filtrati...
The NSW Environmental Protection Authority supports ARTSA-i findings (funded by the NHVSI fund and LSM) that more can be done to mitigate Heavy Vehicle fires on Australian Roads. Consider...
The Australian Government has released its Australian Standard Australian Design Rule 108/00 mandating "Reversing technologies on new vehicles to save lives and prevent seriou...
One of the significant contributors to premature Tyre Sensor failure is Sealant and Conditioner Fluids used in OTR Tyres. But after more than 10 years of research, product development, ...
Well, we all had a great time indeed at the recent 2023 Brisbane Truck Exhibition and again would like to thank the many new and existing customers that visited us at our Stand. LSM are also p...
With a little over 10 days until the start of the Brisbane Truck Show 2023, time is flying and so it will not be long before you get the opportunity to view LSM Technologies new Safety Mitigation...
This week, LSM Technologies attended the HVIA 2023 Brisbane Truck Show exhibitors FAMIL at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, an informative event that will no doubt help exhibitors get ...
Well it has been long awaited- but finally here- Wheel Manufacture have seen the evolution and demand by Heavy Vehicle users for TMSystems, with Alcoa being t...
The BTA (Bulk Tanker Association) BULK TANKER DAY 2022 is on in September and LSM Technologies are once again a proud sponsor / partner of this prestigious event. ...
LSM Sentinel® VSS (Int.Pat.Pend) Vehicle Safety System is a world's first technology designed and developed by LSM Technologies in Australia, integrating multiple...
As of the 6th July 2022 the EU has mandated Tyre Monitoring Systems (TMSystems) for all Buses, Trucks, Trailers, Articulated Trucks, Trailers. And fortunately, LSM Technologies / D...
NTI (National Transport Insurance) / NTARC (NSRPP) National Transport Accident Research Centre released their 2020 Major Accident Report. The report finds (pages 14-17) that since ...
Wow, we can not believe how quickly time flies when you are having fun. LSM Technologies has been in business for 20 years as of today! Yes- 20 years - is nearly a 1/4 Century, 1,0...
To reduce the risk of tyre blow-outs, road-side tyre service, downtime, wheel fires, and improve safety, Woods Group - Transport has selected LSM TyreGuard® integrated Tyre Monitor...
As recently reported in the HVIA News Article, the new Vehicle Standard Australian Design Rule 97/00 mandates Advanced Emergency Braking (AEB) for Omnibuses and Medi...
The demand for safety technology to mitigate Uncontrolled movement / Rollaways is ramping up indeed. TfNSW has initiated their Bus Door Safety Systems Technical Specification TS160 | December 2021&nbs...
Further to our LSM News article- Safe Work NSW call for Parkbrake Failsafe / Anti- Rollaway Solution for Trucks and Trailers, Work Safe NT have also called see this article&n...
Uncontrolled movement resulting in injury or fatality from not engaging the Parkbrake is a common incident. Safe Work (NSW) animated video of a recent Rollaway incid...
To enhance Safety and Operator Visibility, Hyster / Adapta- Lift chose LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera Viewing / Proximity Detection solution as a Visual Height and Collision Awar...
LSM Technologies are proud to have earned the right to display the Australian Made and Owned logo for new world first technologies we have designed and developed. ...
Well the 2021 Motor Trade Association Golf Day has been run and won and LSM Technologies were proud to support the event entering a team in this year's gold day to help raise money for charities t...
For nearly 2 x decades, LSM Technologies has delivered specialised technology and unique services to assist heavy industry and so we are proud to be recognised as one of their top picks for best ...
LSM Technologies are a proud member and also now a sponsor of Transafe WA a not-for-profit industry initiative with the vision of aiding the delivery of safer transport industry workplaces and ro...
Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle to Person (V2P) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) interactions are still one of the most significant OH&S mitigation challenges facing many Industries where veh...
LSM Technologies has released the first version of their LSM QCabAir® Cabin Filtration / Pressurisation Commixing Plenum for Light Vehicles to meet the world's highest arrestanc...
LSM Technologies adds LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Detection with their integrated LSM RadarSense® Radar Sensor technology for (CSA) Collision Situation Aw...
Linde Forklifts selects LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity detection system for Cold Storage and Visual Height Solution to one of their customers - Versacold- with the deliver...
Adapt-A-Lift selects LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity detection Visual Height Solution for one of their customers - Coca-Cola Amatil on Nichiyu FBRF20 Reach series...
Linde Material Handling with selects LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity detection solutions for Cold Storage one of their customers- Berri Juices on a R115 series Forklif...
LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Detection Solution fitted to a Tyre Handlers for the Mining / Quarrying Industrys- in MacKay. ...
LSM SafetyViewDetect® viewing solutions was selected by Red Australia for enhancing Operator visibility on a Baumann Side Lifter for One Steel in Hobart. ...
Australian Bulk Material (ABM) Savage River selected LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Detection Solution for as standard on their Merlo Telehandlers to overcome critical Operator View...
LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Detection solutions have been chosen by Crown Australia for their RR 5200 series Reach Trucks- especially for Cold Storage applications that...
Queensland Rail has taken delivery of their first LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Detection Solution for one of their large Linde H70 Counterbalance Forklifts which is used to h...
Shell (UK) are utilising our LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Solutions as part of their Safety Concept Tanker. The objectives are to provide better and safer operating condition...
RED Australia selected LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Detection Solutions on a Bendi Forklift. Two Cameras have been employed, with one as the Mast - over View and the other as an U...