Wow, it is that time of year, and we are late getting our message out to you as there is only about 5 weeks before Xmas is upon us once again! To our Customers, we thank you for your supp...
For nearly 2 x decades, LSM Technologies has been a pioneering force in the development and implementation of Cabin Pressurisation and Air Filtration solutions for&n...
LSM EnviroCab® Environmental Air Quality Monitoring System compliments our LSM EncloseAir® (int.pat.pend.) and is utilised for monitoring environmental conditions within Cabins of Fixed and Mo...
Monash University's National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP) latest statistics reflect / reinforces some of the reasons why the Australian Federal Government Transport...
NTI (National Transport Insurance) / NTARC (NSRPP) National Transport Accident Research Centre released their latest NTI 2022 Report depicts that 34.6% of all fires are due to Wheel End...
Fuel Storage Tank Farms are a perfect application for LSM TankCare® "Rebuildable" Desiccant & Filtration Breathers to ensure contamination control and reduce post Fluid Filtrati...
The NSW Environmental Protection Authority supports ARTSA-i findings (funded by the NHVSI fund and LSM) that more can be done to mitigate Heavy Vehicle fires on Australian Roads. Consider...
LSM Sentinel® VSS (Int.Pat.Pend) Vehicle Safety System is a world's first technology designed and developed by LSM Technologies in Australia, integrating multiple...
NTI (National Transport Insurance) / NTARC (NSRPP) National Transport Accident Research Centre released their 2020 Major Accident Report. The report finds (pages 14-17) that since ...
Wow, we can not believe how quickly time flies when you are having fun. LSM Technologies has been in business for 20 years as of today! Yes- 20 years - is nearly a 1/4 Century, 1,0...
To reduce the risk of tyre blow-outs, road-side tyre service, downtime, wheel fires, and improve safety, Woods Group - Transport has selected LSM TyreGuard® integrated Tyre Monitor...
LSM Technologies are proud to have earned the right to display the Australian Made and Owned logo for new world first technologies we have designed and developed. ...
Recently, the Sunday Project (FB 5th Dec 2021) completed an investigative report about exposure of Workplace Airborne Particulate in Tunnelling Constructio...
Well the 2021 Motor Trade Association Golf Day has been run and won and LSM Technologies were proud to support the event entering a team in this year's gold day to help raise money for charities t...
For more nearly 2 x decades, LSM Technologies has provided a "loud voice" advocating and contributing to the evolution of the ISO 23875 and many other OH&S Standards. LSM's Peter Woo...
For nearly 2 x decades, LSM Technologies has delivered specialised technology and unique services to assist heavy industry and so we are proud to be recognised as one of their top picks for best ...
ISO 23875 Standardises Mining Cabin Air Quality Control System Requirements.- For more nearly 2 x decades, LSM Technologies has provided a "loud voice" advocating and contributing to the evo...
Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle to Person (V2P) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) interactions are still one of the most significant OH&S mitigation challenges facing many Industries where veh...
The following Technical White-paper - 2020- Breathing Easy in the Workplace- Enclosed Cabins. discusses some important issues and mitigation requirements for Enclosed Cabins of Fixed and Mob...
All Transport Haulage Operators, Regulators, Authorities- be it On-Road or Off-Road- acknowledge the inherent risks of Driver Fatigue. Driver Fatigue is implicated in approximately 60...
LSM Technologies adds LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Detection with their integrated LSM RadarSense® Radar Sensor technology for (CSA) Collision Situation Aw...
Orlaco’s revolutionary product; the SmartDisplay, has an additional feature and now offers the solution to improve visibility during poor weather conditions. ...
Due to the increasing number of cameras that are being installed onto ships, cranes and drilling platforms, the need has arisen to display multiple camera images simultaneously. ...
The Smart Display in combination with the Orlaco cameras offers a perfect visibility solution. This ‘smart’ solution ensures optimal use of one single monitor. The camera and pan & til...