Orlaco Camera Sees All- Mobile Recording Trailer

Published Wednesday 1 Nov, 2006 by Aaron Pirie
LSM's Boewn Basin Distributor- Videotronics- has developed a Mobile Recording Trailer using LSM's / Orlaco Viewing Solutions.

LSM Technologies Bowen Basin Distributor- Videotronics developed a Mobile Recording Trailer using Orlaco Viewing Solutions.

The Orlaco 115 degree Colour Compact Camera is located on the mast of the Trailer as indicated.

Presently the Mobile Recording Trailer is on use on a major shutdowns so as to record activities within the surrounding area.

The Trailer is configured store around 8-10 weeks of mpeg4 video images, it is solar powered and can run without direct sunlight for approx 5 days using battery power.

Images can be sent via 802.11 network on-site or burnt to DVD inside the Trailer.

Another customised solution engineered from Videotronics / LSM Orlaco Viewing Solutions.

Of course- LSM Technologies standard Warranty of three (3) year or 20,000 operating hours applies. 

LSM Technologies enhancing: 
Safety+Damage Control+Productivity

For more information, please click on the below:

Please contact tech@lsmtechnologies.com.au or www.videotronics.com.au