Kleenheat (Wesfarmers) Tests / Certifies LSM Technologies TM Systems for Dangerous Goods Transport

LSM Technologies are to our knowledge the first and only Tyre Monitoring System technology in Australia / World extensively tested and certified for use on Dangerous Goods Transport Vehicles by one of Australia's leading Dangerous Goods Transport Carriers- Kleenheat Australia.

A comprehensive Risk Assessment process was implemented by Kleenheat which included the use of an external Safety Consultant company and the Wesfarmers Chemicals, Energy and Fertilisers Safety Process Team culminating in approval for access to the gas loading bays with a number of risk mitigations applied.

Kleenheat are also to use our FSM®- Fleet Safety (Tracking) Management System web based Reporting / Event Recording / Analysis System Technology with Telematics integration.

Our LSM TyreGuard® MTR360 Multi- Combination Truck / Trailer  / Dolly TMSystem technology is also used by other Dangerous Goods Vehicles to mitigate Tyre and Wheel Well fires / explosions (locked brakes / bearings) with can eventuate into catastrophic failure, fires and roll overs, etc.

Please review the complete Kleenheat Letter 2016 below.

LSM Technologies are proud to be their selected technology and service provider.

For more information how LSM Technologies can assist you with the latest in LSM TyreGuard® TMSystem Solutions, please refer to the links below

We are proud to provide our LSM Life- Saving - Mitigation Technologies, enhancing Workplace OH&S + Equipment Damage Control + Productivity.

Kleenheat Letter dd 20th October 2016
Kleen 800x600 001.jpg

Doran- LSM MTR360 Video Use

LSM- FSM Fleet Tracking & Safety Manager®
