LSM QCabAir® (pat.pend) Solves Particulate Exposure & HVAC failures on Hitachi EX- 3600 Shovels
LSM Technologies Engineering Team designs LSM QCabAir® (pat.pend.) Cabin Pressurisation / Filtration Commixing Plenum technology to exceed ISO 23875 compliance and extend HVAC service life of Hitachi EX3600 Shovel.
Like any Mining / Earthmoving Equipment, Excavators / Shovels are notorious for operating in severe Particulate conditions, with frequent failure of the Air- conditioning System. In addition, inundation of the Operator's Cabin and exposure is a real concern.
LSM Technologies provided complete Engineering Design (OH&S RA Analysis, Mounting, etc), OH Certification, Installation and Commissioning of our LSM QCabAir® (pat.pend.) Cabin Pressurisation / Filtration Commixing Plenum technology.
Robust & fit- for- purpose technology providing:
- The highest protection of the Operator / Occupants from Airborne Particulate and Fibre Exposure.
- LS QCabAir® (pat.pend.) Plenums are DOP Tested and Certified HEPA +H13 EN1822 prior to leaving our workshop.
- Rapid Filtration of Recirculation Air.
- Optimum Cabin Pressurisation.
- Maximum Air - flow to offset Co2 Concentration to avoid the effects of Fatigue / Drowsiness / Acidosis.
- Longest Filter Element service life.
- Maximum HVAC thermal comfort for Operator and elimination of HVAC premature HVAC failures.