Australian Bulk Minerals- Savage River Mine- use Orlaco on Merlo Telehandler

Published Wednesday 22 Aug, 2007 by Peter Woodford

Australian Bulk Material (ABM) Savage River selected LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Detection Solution for as standard on their Merlo Telehandlers to overcome critical Operator Viewing problems.  With the LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera at the end of the Boom so as the Operator can safely view the fork / attachments when using the machine.

The Merlo Telehandler is to be used for a number of applications- primarily for shot firing activities on high ore walls. As a result, a number of attachments are to be used.

LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Detection Solution Cameras will be fixed permanently to the attachments, with the Compact Colour Camera connected to the cable at the Boom as required with each attachment change.

Severe weather conditions can be experienced at Savage River mine, with winter temperatures that can reach below -5 deg C (wind chill factor can be even less), rain and sleet.

Combine this with arduous mining conditions then LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Detection Solution Camera Solutions are well-placed for these conditions with we view as "normal" operating environments.

LSM SafetyViewDetect® Camera / Proximity Cameras have an inbuilt heater (actuates at +15 deg C), chemically smoothen lens, is a single piece / completely sealed unit and so is well suited for any application.

Of course- LSM Technologies standard Warranty of three (3) year or 20,000 operating hours applies. 

LSM Technologies enhancing: Safety+Damage Control+Productivity.

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