Major Underground Operations implement LSM Technologies Tyre Monitoring (TMS) Systems

Typically, Underground Mining Operations are very tough on tyres, particularly in hard rock operations and a number of prominent underground gold and copper mining operations in QLD and WA have implemented LSM Technologies Heavy Duty Tyre Monitoring Systems and FSM System On- line Tracking Data Reporting and Analyst Software Solutions

LSM Technologies Tyre Monitoring Systems Technology enhances:

  • Safety- mitigate potential Roll- overs, Catastrophic Tyre Failure, Tyre Fires and Explosion.
  • Extensive Cost- downs in Tyre Maintenance, Fuel Economy, Service Life and loss of Productivity.
  • Tyre Service Life.
  • Reduction in Vehicle Damage.

LSM Technologies OTR Tyre Sensors are the first of their kind to be compatible with Rim Conditioner or Sealants.  In addition, their are made from a solid nylon housing materialspin welded cap (100% sealed),and so protect against damage from impact, vibration and extreme thermal effects

For more information how LSM Technologies can assist you with the latest in TMSystem Solutions:

Some comments from our Underground TMSystem users:

"The last thing you want when operating a fully loaded Underground Dump Truck, is a flat tyre half-way up the decline. This situation means expensive down time and loss of productivity for a few hours, not to mention a very difficult and dangerous task of changing an Tyre- so avoiding costly downtime as never been more important for Underground Mining Operations".

"Manoeuvring underground Dump Trucks and Loaders in confined spaces with restricted visibility, or via remote control, can be very tricky.  So scraping along rock walls and driving over unsighted rocks occurs frequently, which can result in major tyre or valve damage".

"With more and more underground machines now being operated remotely. TMS is even more relevant, as the remote operator is unable to "feel" the machine running over damaging rocks or clip a sharp rock protruding from the wall.  Therefore they need a remote warning system to ensure tyres are not used under inflated and damaged beyond repair"